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VLOG Competition for students during the EuroFM Conference in London

May 16, 2024

“Being part of the EuroFM conference opens your door to your career in facility management or real estate”

Venue: London MET University at 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB

Date: 10/11 June 2024

We invite students and professionals to join the VLOG COMPETITION during the EuroFM conference in London.

EuroFM would like to use the opportunity to connect students with facility management and real estate professionals in an informal setting. The start of a professional career can start at the conference by presenting yourself as an upcoming talent. EuroFM will organise a speed dating session during the Welcome drink on June 10th, 2024, with a vlog competition. Students are asked to create a vlog upfront and during a speed dating session participant of the event, lecturers and researchers have the opportunity to listen to the vlog of the students, ask questions and start discussions.

The theme of the EuroFM Conference is Transformation

FM field has undergone (and continues going through) significant transformations, impacting every facet of the industry. It requires continuous evolvement of education of (future and current) professionals and business practices and state-of-the-art research. To move forward, we need to understand those transformations, educate people, and share best practices.

We invite students to present a 90 seconds vlog about your opinion of this theme, how do you think the transformation is going, where will it start and where will it end? What research and educational principles are leading to transformation and how would you like to be part of it.

Your 90 seconds vlog will be shown at the conference and during the speed dating. The five best vloggers (chosen by the formal jury) will be on stage on June 11th in a panel discussion to discuss insights, opportunities and solutions. The panel discussion will be guided by a host.

The jury will decide after the panel discussion who is the winner of the vlog competition.

The winning team or student will get free access and hotel costs (excluding travel costs) to one of the upcoming EuroFM conferences in Europe. The winning vlog will be published on the EuroFM website and social media. The winning team or student gets the signed book Energized Workplace from our keynote speaker Perry Timms.

The Welcome Reception is organized with drinks and some snacks. Entrance is free for all participants of the conference.

Key Rules:

  • Vlog competitors can be teams of at maximum 3 students or individuals.

Each university can enter a maximum of three vlog competitors. We encourage you to run the competition with larger groups but to select the top three to enter from your school. If

  • you send more than three entries; we will only be able to include the first three in the competition.
  • Vlog competitors must create upfront 90 seconds during vlog made in a landscape setting. It needs to be possible to send it digitally via we transfer.
  • Work must be original and created by the student(s) – please do not use any templates.
  • Vlogs will be judged on creativity, how well they fit the theme and how well the vlog has been made or drawn.  
  • Vlog competitors names and university names will be announced on social media and on our website. If you do not wish for this data to be shared you should make this explicit on the entry form.
  • Vlog competitors may be displayed and used for marketing, with only first names used.
  • The extended deadline for entrance to the vlog competition is at 6pm on May 23rd 2024.
  • Prizes are non-transferable.
  • Vlog competitors into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  • The jury will be formed by representatives of EuroFM, FMCE and London MET University

Vlog competitors are asked to send their application and vlog to

EuroFM has 20 free tickets available for students who are joining the vlog competition during the EuroFM Conference on 10/12 June 2024 in London. First come principle is handled.

More information on the EuroFM Conference 2024 in London can be found here:

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