EuroFM Researcher Meetup: Getting Started part 1 (2022)

EuroFM network is delighted to invite all the FM researchers to join a common online meeting on 7th of October 2022. Please, save the date!
The purpose of the meeting is to share our passion toward FM research and to plan the next steps and agenda for the working groups with specific themes. The working groups are established for 2023-2024. This is a great opportunity for making impact and sharing your thoughts. Possible themes include but are not limited to 
–    UrbanFM
–    PropTech
–    Sustainable consumption in FM
–    Future of work
–    Well-being at the workplace
–    Value delivery in FM for organisations
–    Etc.

Please feel free to contact our Research Chair Tuuli Jylhä (  to propose a theme for the meetup. 

The planned agenda for the meeting:
13:00    Welcome (Tuuli Jylhä, EuroFM Research Chair)
13:10    Keynote 
13:30    Discussion within the groups (for example 3 groups in 45 min)
14:15    Summarising the discussion in groups and proposing next steps
14:45    Closing (Tuuli Jylhä, EuroFM Research Chair)

Please register for the event here:

EuroFM Stay Connected Session – Business & Association Summit 2022

The EuroFM Businesses & Associations Summit on a virtual platform enables everybody to participate on June 29th 2022 between 14.00h and 15.45h CEST.

An inspiring programme with professional speakers will give you as participant the latest input on the themes “Effects of the pandemic to the FM industry” and the role of FM in the SDG’s ( sustainable development goals).

Together with the sharing of practical cases in FM and the panel discussions this will be an interactive summit.

Time CESTTopicSpeakers
14.00Opening by Chair Associations & Chair Business of EuroFMNatalie Hofman (EuroFM Associations Chair) & Levent Alatli (EuroFM Business Chair)
14.02Welcome & EuroFM BriefingPieter C. le Roux (EuroFM Chair & Principal Lecturer Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)
14.10The SDG’s and the FM approachMichel Tobé (Chair of FMN) & Leo Laanen (Director of IFMEC)
14.25Good Practice Cases in FM – DB55 Circular OfficeCoen van Dijck (CEO of D/DOCK)
14.40The new opportunities in FM business after pandemicPieter C. le Roux (Chair EuroFM)
Rogier Redeker (Country Manager of Nuvolo)
David Martinez (Managing Director of FMHouse)
Ross Abbate (CEO of Mace Group)
15.30No regrets: Optimization-based energy system design to tackle the energy crisisDr. Stefan Kirschbaum (GFaI)
15.45Closing & Wrap-upProf. Pieter C. le Roux (EuroFM Chair)

EuroFM Stay Connected Session – Research Symposium 2022

In 2022, the EuroFM Research Symposium is organised on 15-16 June in Breda (the Netherlands). Due to the special times, we are happy that the researchers can finally meet face-to-face in Breda! The symposium is hosted by Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS).

The Symposium is free of charge (excluding your own hotel and traveling costs) for the authors. The program includes 4 paper sessions, a key note and social activities including a dinner. Please see the program below.

We look forward to see you on 15-16 June 2022 in Breda!

Please note that all details mentioned on this page may be subject to change.


12.30 – 13.30Lunch hosted by BUAS
13.30 – 14.00Welcome to the 21st EuroFM Research Symposium |
Tuuli Jylhä (EuroFM Research Chair), Vitalija Danivska (Breda University) and Pieter C. le Roux (EuroFM Chair)

Welcome to BUAS | Academy director Gienke Osinga
14.00 – 15.15Paper session 1: Views on sustainable FM | Chair: Bert Smit

Improving organisational resilience to disaster events: an FM perspective
Keith Jones, Mariantonietta Morga, Nadeesha Wanigarathna, and Femke Mulder

Principals and Suggestions for Sustainable Materials Management within Facility Management
Rachel Kuijlenburg, Thomas Wissingh, Frans Joosstens, Swenja Remijn,
Kim A. Poldner, and Mark P. Mobach

Digital trends in FM – Awareness gap between end users and service providers
Klaus Homan, David Martinez, Jacqueline Privenau, Jorma Säteri, and
Sergio Vega
15.30 – 16.15Digital innovations in FM by students | Chair: Vitalija Danivska
16.30 –
Paper session 2: New use of an existing theory | Chair: Rianne Appel

Beyond Satisfaction – Internal Service Barometer for measuring customer satisfaction
Torben Bernhold, Niklas Wiesweg, Thomas Löhmer, and Susanne Lill

The value of FM for a healthy urban environment; application of the FM Value Map to Urban FM
Jaap Wijnja and Jeannette Nijkamp
17.20 – 18.30Drinks at the campus hosted by BUAS
19.30Dinner outside hosted by BUAS


09.00 – 09.30Welcome to day 2 by Tuuli Jylhä and Vitalija Danivska

Keynote: Rethinking sustainability in FM | Frans Melissen
09.30 – 10.45Paper session 3: FM topics – Hybrid working and information modelling | Chair: Keith Jones

The role of FM post pandemic: delivering employee experience and meeting business needs
Simone Fenton-Jarvis and Mel Bull

Hybrid profiles for knowledge workers – flexible workplace and time
Inka Sankari and Suvi Nenonen

BIM-based information model for the provision of the demand-oriented facility management services janitorial cleaning
Nadine Wills
and Joaquín Díaz
11.00 – 12.15Paper session 4: Work environment in organisations | Rachel Kuijlenburg

Interior design features predicting satisfaction with office workspace
privacy and noise
Susanne Colenberg, Natalia Romero Herrera, and David Keyson

Can physical characteristics in the interrogation room aid the witness in recalling what happened?
Twan Bouwhuis, Joris Verwijmeren, Ruth Pijls-Hoekstra, and Brenda H. Groen

A typology for the university campus as a living lab for Facility Management education and research
Wouter van Tankeren, Vitalija Danivska, and Bert Smit
Closing the Symposium by Tuuli Jylhä and Vitalija Danivska
12.15 – 13.00Lunch
13.00 – 13.40Food experience & Wine tasting

EuroFM Stay Connected Session – Student Video Competition 2022

This year the EuroFM Stay Connected Student Video Competition happens on 28 October.

The EuroFM Student Competition recognizes the value of sharing bright ideas, knowledge, insights and research findings created as part of Facility Management programs in European Universities. We ask students of both Master and Bachelor programs to share this with EuroFM and her members, by creating a 3-5minute film clip. This film clip must present findings as result of a assignment, internship or small project.

Proposed topics are:
– The Energy Crisis,
– Sustainable FM
– Digital FM
– Ethics in managing facilities
– Soft skills in FM
– ISO standards
– The “new normal”

We want to include students who were wishing to compete for the original deadline of June and also welcome submissions from students during the Autumn semester. 

The EuroFM Student Competition recognizes the value of sharing bright ideas, knowledge, insights and research findings created as part of Facility Management programs in European Universities. We ask students of both Master and Bachelor programs to share this with EuroFM and her members, by creating a 3-5minute film clip.

Submit your entry

To join the ‘EuroFM Student Competition’ for Master and Bachelor students please click on the link.

Film clips can be uploaded before October 20 2022 (through WeTransfer) to EuroFM by using the following email address: The top 4 video will be shown at the student festival with best video decided at the end of the event.

The full description on how to submit your entry is in the attached brochure.

Meeting Agenda

12.00-12.15 Introduction and welcome
12.15-13.00 Debate with a panel of students and lectures on the topic:
“Lecture presentations have lost their purpose when
all the information is online”
13.00-13.10 Break
13.10-13.50 Student Videos
13.50-14.00 Prize and Close

World FM Day 2022

Please join us on 11 May to celebrate World FM Day. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Leading the Sustainable Future”.

World FM day is on 11 May 2022 and is an initiative run through Global FM. The purpose of World FM Day is to recognise and celebrate the vital work that workplace and facilities managers and the wider industry contributes to business worldwide.

As people from around the world begin to emerge from their homes and return to the built environment to work, learn, worship, and play, we are witnessing an incredible phenomenon for facility management. With a renewed importance being placed on human health and safety coupled with building sustainability and resilience, the facility manager today has been thrust into the center of the “Return To” conversation.

This meeting is open to both EuroFM Members and Ambassadors and we have asked our Ambassadors to answer the following question:
What lessons have you learned during the last 2 years that will help you to create and lead the FM world in your country to a (more) sustainable future?

The answer to this question and more will be answered during an online meeting (via Zoom) from 15.00 – 17..00 (see programme below):

15:00 – 15:10WelcomePieter le Roux
Chair EuroFM
15:10 – 15:20Video compilation 1:
2022 EuroFM Ambassadors (Group 1)
Countries: Bulgaria, The Netherlands, UAE, Austria, Iran & Thailand
15:20 – 15:45Message from Global FMJohn Carillo
Chairman Global FM
15:45 – 16:00Video compilation 2:
2022 EuroFM Ambassadors (Group 2)
Countries: Singapore, Botswana, Peru, Egypt & Malaysia
16:00 – 16:25EuroFM Ambassador Network: Moving forwardPieter le Roux
Levent Alatli
16:25 – 16:30Message from World Workplace Europe 22Lara Paemen
Managing Director IFMA EMEA
16:30 – 16:40EuroFM @ World Workplace Europe 22Pieter le Roux
Natalie Hofman
16:40 – 16:50Message from the EuroFM Board Members
16:50 – 17:00ClosingPieter le Roux

EuroFM Autumn School 2021

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
19-22 October 2021, 100% online!


Change caused by trends is a constant factor. Facility management also moves with trends and developments. COVID 19 is such a development and ensures a critical look at the use of offices. The expectation is office workers will partly work at home, in a satellite office and partly at the corporate office. The corporate office days will exist of team activities, being creative, getting inspired, meeting colleagues and reinforce the sense of belonging. For sure this will impact the look and feel and the facilities the corporate office will provide. So there is your challenge: develop an office that will be perceived as a place to be! In a small and international project group you will be working on questions like:

– how to create an attractive, flexible and smart office?
– enabling working from home?
– how to build and maintain a community in remote circumstances?
– how to attract people to the office?

The online program takes 4 days and two weeks prior to this you will receive a light teambuilding assignment.

19 October (09.30-16.00 h.) kick-off and project work
20 October (09.30-16.00 h.) inspirational lectures from the EuroFM network and project work
21 October (09.30-16.00 h.) project work
22 October (09.30-16.00 h.) project work and wrap up.
Please note: this schedule is subject to change and Central European Summer Time applies.

Participating in the online EuroFM International Autumn School is free!

Get signed up now by contacting your education coordinator/internationalisation officer or lecturer within your program. Apply before 1 October 2021 but don’t wait too long since the maximum number of participants is limited.

In cooperation with:

EuroFM Research Symposium 2021

The EuroFM Research Symposium is arranged for the 20th time this June. The first day focused on ‘making work work’ including a keynote by Peggie Rothe from Leesman (’A new workplace experience landscape’) , 6 research papers and student videos.

The second day focuses on learning and evolving aspects of FM including also launching of the book series entitled ‘Transdisciplinary Workplace Research & Management’ edited by Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek and Vitalija Danivska. All the members of the EuroFM network are warmly welcome to join the open science symposium for one or two days!

Day 1: 16 June 2021
All timing in CEST

14.00Welcome by Pieter C. le Roux and Tuuli Jylhä
Keynote: A new workplace experience landscape – Peggie Rothe, Chief Insights & Research Officer Leesman
14.35Break with videos from the EuroFM Student Festival
14.45Session 1: Making work work 1
Chair: Brenda Groen, Saxion University of Applied Sciences

‘The influence of the physical home work environment on perceived productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic’
Monique H. Arkesteijn , Sylvia J.T. Jansen, Bernice B.T. Kieft, Rianne A.J.A. Appel-Meulenbroek, Bartele S. Hoekstra, and Pity Jongens-van der Schaaf

‘Analysing perceived communication and productivity of different office workers while working fully from home due to COVID-19 restrictions’
Minou Weijs-Perrée , Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek, Jeroen Looijen, Bartele S. Hoekstra, and Pity Jongens-van der Schaaf

‘Expected user needs towards the post-Covid office: better support of social interactions and concentration’
Susanne Colenberg and David Keyson
15.45Break with videos from the EuroFM Student Festival
16.00Session 2: Making work work 2
Chair: Wim Pullen, Center for People and Buildings

‘Post-pandemic adaptive university campus management’
Suvi Nenonen and Vitalija Danivska

‘Satisfaction with open plan offices: personality, age and gender as human factors’
Samin Marzban , Christhina Candido and Ozgur Gocer

‘Distributed Academic Workplace and Community – towards a coherent campus within a city’
Jenni Poutanen , Marianna Kotilainen, Satu Hyökki, Liisa Urrila, and Suvi Nenonen
17.00Closing of Day 1 by Tuuli Jylhä
Until 18.00Online Borrel

Day 2: 17 June 2021
All timing in CEST

14.00Welcome by Tuuli Jylhä

New open-access book seriesL Transdisciplinary Workplace Research & Management
Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek and Vitalija Danivska
14.20Session 3: Evolving FM
Chair: Toyin Aderiye, Sheffield Hallam University

‘The use of Key Performance Indicators in Real Estate Management – A stocktaking along the CREM maturity level’
Torben Bernhold and Niklas Wiesweg

‘Addressing the mismatch: Promoting adaptability within the office real estate sector’
Ioannis Mexis and Hilde Remøy

‘Awareness and Use of BIM for FM: Empirical Evidence from Turkey’
Ecem Tezel, Levent Alatli, and Heyecan Giritli
15.20Break with videos from the EuroFM Student Festival
15.30Session 4: Learning about FM and FM supporting learning
Chair: Carmel Lindkvist, NTNU

‘Back to School – the Impact of Short Timeframe Student Case Studies on Projects and Educational Programs in the Context of Urban FM’
Dave Collins , Coline Senior, Alenka Temeljotov-Salaj, Rachel Kuijlenburg, and Pieter C. le Roux

‘Problem-based learning for the teaching of FM skills: results of a practical use’
Alexander Redlein, Lisa Thrainer, and Christian Lau

‘Implementation of Digital and Physical Learning Environment to 21st century skills – Case Escape Room in University of Eastern Finland ‘
Ville Tahvanainen, Tarja Harjula, and Suvi Nenonen
16.30Break with videos from the EuroFM Student Festival
16.40Best Paper Award announced by Theo van der Voordt
16.50Closing presentation: ‘Digital FM Trends’, Klaus Homann, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart
17.10Closing by Tuuli Jylhä
Until 18.00Online Borrel

EuroFM Business & Associations Summit 2021

The EuroFM Businesses & Associations Summit on a virtual platform enables everybody to participate on June 30th 2021 between 14.00h and 16.30h CEST. An inspiring program with professional speakers will give you as participant the latest input on the themes “Effects of the pandemic to the FM industry”, “The role of FM in for the Green Deal” and “The new standard of ISO in FM”. Together with the sharing of practical cases in FM and the panel discussions this will be an interactive summit.


14.00Welcome & EuroFM BriefDr. Pieter C. Le Roux
Chair EuroFM, Principal Lecturer Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
14.10Keynote Speaker – The effects of the pandemic to FM BusinessJos Duchamps
Managing Director Procos Group & IFMA Global Board Member
14.25Good Practice Cases in FM – Global Village DubaiAli AlSuwaidi
COO Global Village Dubai, Vice Chair MEFMA & Vice Chair Global FM
14.40Panel Discussion – The new challenges in FM business after pandemicGoran Milanov (Moderator)
EuroFM Ambassador, CEO Vidako, Past Chair EuroFM
Prof. Roscoe Hightower
Florida A&M University, EuroFM Ambassador
Mike Petrusky
Director of Events & Growth Marketing, iOFFICE
Niels Westerhof
Managing Director BookMyDesk
Seth Halkes
Executive Board Member, ISS Facility Services Netherlands
15.30Refreshment break
15.40Panel Discussion – The role of FM for Green DealYvette Watson (Moderator)
Joint Owner, PHI Factory
Michael Moradiellos del Molino
Head of Real Estate EPEA Benelux
Dr. Duygu Erten
Consultant Turkeco, Vice President Climate Change Research Center
Frédéric Aertsens
Associate Director, Interel
16.20Good Practice Cases in FM – CLIC Logistic Innovation Center, AmsterdamMarcel Westerbeke
Manager Operations, Eurest Services
16.35Keynote Speaker – The new FM Standards published and under developementDuncan Waddell
Chair ISO/TC 267, Past Chair Global FM
16.50Closing & Wrap-upDr. Pieter C. Le Roux
Chair EuroFM, Principal Lecturer Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

Sponsored by:

EuroFM Student Festival 2021

Student Festival 2021 where students are center. We celebrate what students are learning and how they are understanding the world of facilities management. Students will present their work through 3-4 minute video and provide new insight to topics such as Covid19; Business Continuity Management; Soft skills in FM; Sustainability and ISO standards. In addition, a seminar on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) puts the spotlight on crossing country borders through online courses as an opportunity for students to learn about the role of FM in different countries.


13.00Open forum for everyone to join online and informal meeting
13.10Formal start of EuroFM Student Festival
13.20Student video from Rosanne de Wit, Dana van der Linden and Melina Moser: Collaborative Online International Learning
The Hague University of Applied Sciences and ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
13.30Student video from Lukas Meuli, Matthias H. Römer, Yannick Frommherz and Nicolas Keller: Natural Hazards
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
13.40Student video from Emma Zwartjens: Office Circularity
Hanze University Groningen
14.00Student video from Kyra Jongsma and Claudia Fraterman: Pods in Public Places
Hanze University Groningen
14.10Student video from Jan-Niklas Bostelmann, Stefanie Aigner, Randi Kleist and Sakhithya Shanmugarathnam: Indoor Farming in Vacant Spaces
DHBW Stuttgart
14.40Seminar on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
What is it and why should students be interested in COIL?
• 14.40 -15.10 Daniel von Felten and Reinout Klamer present COIL experiences
• 15.10-15.40 Breakout rooms – Participation for COIL – student and teacher perspectives

Breakout room 1 – Daniel von Felten facilitated with Alenka Temeljotov-Salaj
Breakout room 2 – Reinout Klamer facilitated with Klaus Homann
15.40Award Student Prize, summary and close

World FM Day 2021

World FM day is on 12 May 2021 and is an initiative run through Global FM . The purpose of World FM Day is to recognize and celebrate the vital work that workplace and facilities managers do and how the wider industry contributes to the business worldwide. EuroFM wishes to celebrate World FM Day with students, educators and those interested in careers in FM who will form an important part of how FM will be “standing tall beyond the pandemic” which is this year’s World FM Day theme. 

As the future of how FM is shaped, we encourage students to engage with speakers invited to discuss career development in FM and FM trends that are arising in South Africa. In addition, we raise the question are universities doing enough for our students to prepare for the unpredictable world that the pandemic has shown and where FM has rose to the many challenges.


• Global FM – Duncan Waddell
• EuroFM – what it is and why it is good for students to be involved?
15.10EuroFM Ambassador Videos
15.20Developing a career in FM
Christian Schlicht – Central Europe Chapter Core Net Global
15.40Poll Questions
15.50EuroFM Ambassador Videos
16.00South African perspective on FM Trends
Andrew Mason, CEO WorkplaceFundi
16.20Poll Questions
16.30Open discussion on the topic “Are universities preparing students enough for FM careers?”
with guest speakers and Dave Collins (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
and Kaisa Airo (Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
16.50Winners of Poll + Formal Close and finish with EuroFM Ambassador Videos