EuroFM Conference 2024 London – programme

We are proud to announce the programme for the EuroFM Facility Management Conference and EuroFM Research Symposium, scheduled to take place from 10 – 12 June 2024, in London, United Kingdom. This event is a collaborative effort between EuroFM, FMCE, and our valued partners who share a common goal of advancing the field of Facility Management.

Monday 10 June 2024

Conference Day 1
08.30 – 09.00Registration Delegates
09.00 – 09.15Welcome remarks: Opening of the EuroFM Conference and Research Symposium Maria Morapedi, FMCE
Natalie Hofman, EuroFM Chair
09.15 – 09.30Opening Insights: Transformation – more academic insights from London MetJane Ballantyne, Head of Built Environment, School of the Built Environment at London Metropolitan University
09.30 – 10.15Keynote Session: Skills of the FuturePerry Timms, Founder and Chief Energy Officer at People & Transformational HR Ltd.
10.15 – 11.00Panel Discussion EuroFM Ambassadors:
FM as a profession and industry now an in 2025
Moderated by David Martinez, Global Director at FM House and EuroFM Ambassador Spain
Panelists: Joung Hun (Jay) Youm, Michael May, Karin Schaad and Luciano Brunherotto
11.00 – 11.30Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.15Panel Discussion: Inclusive workplaces and diversity in FMModerated by Sofie Hooper, Head of Policy and Research at IWFM
Panelists: Linda Alexander, Natalie Hofman, Chris Barnes and Samantha West
12.15 – 13.00Workshop: ESG-CSRD and the contribution of FM; EuroFM Deep Coil and industry NeedsModerated by Stephan van der Linden
With: Klaus Homann, Olga van Diermen, Maris Boeringa, and Marlinda Dresden
13.00 – 14.00Lunch
14.00 – 14.30Speaker Session: Implementation of ISO StandardsStan Mitchell, CEO at Key Facilities Management
14.30 – 15.30Workshop: Reimagine: Circular Futures in 2035Riikka Kyrö & Rebecka Lundgren
15.30 – 16.00Coffee Break
16.00 – 16.45Panel Discussion: Merger and acquisition activity in the FM market. What are the drivers and opportunities for the futureModerated by Andrew Hulbert
Panelists: Chiara Stella Camellini and Satvir Bungar
16.45 – 17.15Speaker Session: Measuring ESG in the real estate environment in real timeSongo Didiza, Managing Director at Green Building Design Group
17.15 – 17.30Wrap-up & ClosingMaria Morapedi, FMCE
Natalie Hofman, EuroFM Chair
17.30 – 19.30Networking Event with Students –
meet FM professionals

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Conference Day 2
08.30 – 09.00Registration Delegates
09.00 – 09.05Welcome to Day 2
09.05 – 09.45Keynote Session: Transitions in FM with sustainability focusMatthew Tucker, Director of Research at IFMA & Professor of Workplace and Facilities Management at LJMU
09.45 – 10.15Speaker Session: Transformation requires new skills and standards. Are we ready to deal with the overload of data?Gordon Mitchell, ESG – Net Zero – Digital Transformation – Operational Built Environment/FM
10.15 – 11.00Student Vlog Competition: Being part of the EuroFM conference opens your door to your career in facility management or real estateModerated by Oluwaseun Ajayi
With: Olga van Diermen, Pleun van Deurssen and Nipuni Sumanarathna
11.00 – 11.30Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.00Speaker Session: Transforming FM – Integrating Business Operations for InnovationsOlga van Diermen, Senior Lecturer at The Hague University of Applied Sciences
12.00 – 12.30Speaker Session: Transforming into Standard FM ContractsSherif Khaled
12.30 – 13.00Speaker Session: UrbanFM from a placemaking perspectivePieter C. le Roux, Lecturer at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
13.00 – 14.00Lunch
14.00 – 14.45Panel Discussion: Redefining the Future: Why Hybrid Working is Obsolete and What Comes Next?Moderated by Tom Ryckaert, Marketing & Communications Director at PROCOS Group
Panelists: Alvaro Aguiar, Hannah Wilson, Kanha Pou and Chiara Tagliaro
14.45 – 15.30Panel Discussion: Approaches to meet CSRD Compliance: Lessons from the SFMI AssessmentModerated by Sunil Shah
Panelists: Reid Cunningham and Agustin Cobelo
15.30 – 16.00Coffee Break
16.00 – 16.30Speaker Session: Organizations’ Leadership and the Issue of Professional Development of FM staffShukri Habib, Facilities Management Instructor | Consultant | Certified Facilitator of Training
16.30 – 17.15Closing Keynote Session: People in FMSimone Fenton-Jarvis, Founder and Chief Workplace Officer at The Human-Centric Workplace
17.15 – 17.30Wrap-up & ClosingMaria Morapedi, FMCE
Natalie Hofman, EuroFM Chair
18.00 – 21.00Gala Dinner & Awards
Venue: German Museum Restaurant

Wednesday 12 June 2024

09.00 – 10.30First group – Facility tour to London Metropolitan University – Estates Department
15 people per group
10.30 – 12.00Second group – Facility tour to London Metropolitan University – Estates Department
15 people per group
11.00 – 12.30Facility tour to Arsenal Stadium
30 people max.

How to register

Go to to learn more and book your tickets for this event.

23rd EuroFM Research Symposium 2024 – programma available

The EuroFM Research Network is meeting for the 23rd time in June 2024! The theme of the symposium centers around transformation to contribute to future-proof Facility Management (FM).

The call for papers is now closed, please find the key dates below:

15 December 2023Deadline for abstracts
07 February 2024Deadline for paper submissions
28 February 2024Reviews to the authors
27 March 2024Deadline for revised papers
08 May 2024Final decision on paper acceptance
22 May 2024Deadline for camera-ready papers
10-12 June 2024EuroFM Research Symposium 2024 in London

Please find more information on the submission process here.

This year’s EuroFM Research Symposium will be held on 10 and 11 June 2024 during the EuroFM Conference 2024 in London
More information on the programme can be found here.

On behalf of the EuroFM Research Network,
Dr. Tuuli Jylhä, Research Chair – EuroFM
Dr. Vitalija Danivska, Conference Chair – EuroFM
Maria Morapedi, Chair of the local conference organizer – AfricaFM and FMCE Founder

VLOG Competition for students during the EuroFM Conference in London

“Being part of the EuroFM conference opens your door to your career in facility management or real estate”

Venue: London MET University at 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB

Date: 10/11 June 2024

We invite students and professionals to join the VLOG COMPETITION during the EuroFM conference in London.

EuroFM would like to use the opportunity to connect students with facility management and real estate professionals in an informal setting. The start of a professional career can start at the conference by presenting yourself as an upcoming talent. EuroFM will organise a speed dating session during the Welcome drink on June 10th, 2024, with a vlog competition. Students are asked to create a vlog upfront and during a speed dating session participant of the event, lecturers and researchers have the opportunity to listen to the vlog of the students, ask questions and start discussions.

The theme of the EuroFM Conference is Transformation

FM field has undergone (and continues going through) significant transformations, impacting every facet of the industry. It requires continuous evolvement of education of (future and current) professionals and business practices and state-of-the-art research. To move forward, we need to understand those transformations, educate people, and share best practices.

We invite students to present a 90 seconds vlog about your opinion of this theme, how do you think the transformation is going, where will it start and where will it end? What research and educational principles are leading to transformation and how would you like to be part of it.

Your 90 seconds vlog will be shown at the conference and during the speed dating. The five best vloggers (chosen by the formal jury) will be on stage on June 11th in a panel discussion to discuss insights, opportunities and solutions. The panel discussion will be guided by a host.

The jury will decide after the panel discussion who is the winner of the vlog competition.

The winning team or student will get free access and hotel costs (excluding travel costs) to one of the upcoming EuroFM conferences in Europe. The winning vlog will be published on the EuroFM website and social media. The winning team or student gets the signed book Energized Workplace from our keynote speaker Perry Timms.

The Welcome Reception is organized with drinks and some snacks. Entrance is free for all participants of the conference.

Key Rules:

  • Vlog competitors can be teams of at maximum 3 students or individuals.

Each university can enter a maximum of three vlog competitors. We encourage you to run the competition with larger groups but to select the top three to enter from your school. If

  • you send more than three entries; we will only be able to include the first three in the competition.
  • Vlog competitors must create upfront 90 seconds during vlog made in a landscape setting. It needs to be possible to send it digitally via we transfer.
  • Work must be original and created by the student(s) – please do not use any templates.
  • Vlogs will be judged on creativity, how well they fit the theme and how well the vlog has been made or drawn.  
  • Vlog competitors names and university names will be announced on social media and on our website. If you do not wish for this data to be shared you should make this explicit on the entry form.
  • Vlog competitors may be displayed and used for marketing, with only first names used.
  • The extended deadline for entrance to the vlog competition is at 6pm on May 23rd 2024.
  • Prizes are non-transferable.
  • Vlog competitors into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  • The jury will be formed by representatives of EuroFM, FMCE and London MET University

Vlog competitors are asked to send their application and vlog to

EuroFM has 20 free tickets available for students who are joining the vlog competition during the EuroFM Conference on 10/12 June 2024 in London. First come principle is handled.

More information on the EuroFM Conference 2024 in London can be found here:

World FM Day celebration 8 May 2024 – Inspire, Integrate, Innovate: Ignite your career in FM

EuroFM would like to take the opportunity  to congratulate  all those involved in the FM Educational sector  lecturers, researchers and students on World FM Day 2024. It is thanks to your efforts that  the workplace of the future is in safe hands.

Facility Management is about those responsible for organizing and maintaining a safe, healthy and optimal working environment for employees, residents and visitors. In recent years, various topics have been discussed that have an immediate impact on the working environment. Themes such as financing and implementing sustainability and reducing shortages of energy sources, embracing inclusivity in the working environment, outflow of professionally mature pensionable employees, influx and reception of asylum seekers as a result of tensions in the world are not only contemporary, but require increasing attention. But meeting shortages in the labour market and the arrival of robots, the inability to avoid AI developments and the relationship between automation and the arrival of cybersecurity also require new knowledge. New hybrid working environments, specializing in workplace management, absorbing high workloads, new technologies and integrating inclusivity make facility management relevant and this field is developing rapidly.

As a European Facility Management Network, EuroFM is committed to connecting professionals, lecturers and researchers at an international level, sharing knowledge and exploring themes in depth. We do this in many ways such as , during our annual EuroFM Conference.  This year’s event takes place on June 10 and 11, 2024 in London.  We look forward  to welcoming you and engaging with you on a host of topics and discussions covering the latest developments and trends. The conference is being organised in conjunction with, IWFM and FMCE and is being hosted by the London Metropolitan University. Further details can be found on the following links  or .

We encourage all students in the facility management field to join us in London and to participate in the vlog competition.

In order for our FM profession to thrive & prosper students need to expand their knowledge and understanding of FM and challenge the norms of today. Training courses in the field of facility management can be found everywhere in Europe, allowing young students to take their first steps in this fascinating field.  This training will help lay the cornerstone for a bright, interesting and challenging career path. With this in mind EuroFM, hosted by Laurens Lamberts, recorded a podcast during World Workplace Europe in Rotterdam that clearly illustrates the importance of students and how they are able to build a successful career in facility management.

We invite you to listen to this podcast on World FM Day, leave a comment and put our students in the spotlight.

On behalf of the Board of EuroFM and all members of EuroFM we would like to thank you for your contribution in helping FM to deliver on it’s potential to influence the workplace. You are heroes and we wish you all the best today, tomorrow and into the future.

Join EuroFM, become member and get access to the best European FM network:

BLOG by Paolo Gambino, EuroFM Ambassador Luxembourg: FM services and the challenges of post-covid “flexibility

In the realm of Corporate Real Estate, the provision of high-quality and reliable FM Services hinges on a solid knowledge of your customer’s needs and habits to ensure a correct sizing of the service and a proper deployment of infrastructures and resources.

In the pre-pandemic era – with a 100% presence on-site policy for most companies – anticipating staff’s needs was relatively an “easy” task, and the FM Services offer was essentially dimensioned based on concrete and very regular historical data (such as staff presence in the office, attendance to company restaurants and cafeterias, parking occupancy, etc.).

Nowadays everything has changed!

One of the main challenges for FM Managers consists of responding to a continuously “variable” demand, affecting the ability to predict staff habits and needs in an accurate way.

Take Catering Services, for instance: staff presence varies every day in the office and – although we can identify some trends showing for example lower figures on Mondays and Fridays … no surprise – still it is quite challenging to establish a regular and consistent approach in terms of “sizing” of the offer and number of FM resources to be deployed on-site. This leads potentially to situations where FM Managers and their Providers tend to conservatively over-shoot in terms of quantities, resulting inevitably in wasted resources (not only food but time and number of personnel as well).

In a previous BLOG by Sean Gibbons (BLOG by Sean Gibbons, EuroFM Ambassador UK: Measuring workplace performance in the post-pandemic world • EuroFM) another very relevant topic has been explored in the context of post-pandemic, highlighting the need to establish an improved framework to “measure” workplace performance as we all transition toward more sustainable and hybrid ways of working.

How should we tackle this situation?

This is not a perfect science, however in my view there are essentially two main aspects to be considered:

  • Firstly, introducing “flexibility” in contracts with external FM suppliers has become essential. The traditional volumes-based approach used to determine the size of the service is no longer 100% valid. It is important to establish more flexible terms, for example by including contractual scenarios giving the Providers the possibility to best tailor their services based on the actual demand and its variations.
  • Secondly, we need more reliable data. In the era of digitalization, companies must rely more on data. Measuring staff habits through sensors has now become an accessible technology for all, however most organizations are still behind in terms of digitizing their workplace and facilities. This results in the inability to monitor staff demands and habits in an accurate and consistent way.

In conclusion, I believe that – despite the uncertainties lying ahead – this is a very exciting moment for the FM Managers, having the possibility to explore new technologies and tools that can enable us to work in a different and more productive way. Focusing on customer needs and at the same time responding to a growing need of integration between physical infrastructures and data, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and efficient way of managing our facilities.