➢ Are Hybrid offices the future? Which trends are developing internationally?
➢ You are looking for a guidance to successfully implement ESG? What is to be considered when gathering ESG data and how can this be done effectively?
➢ You want to celebrate 15 years of IFM-Congress and 10 years of REUG with us?
Then join us on 17th and 18th of November 2022 at TU Wien for the 15th IFM Congress.
In the usual manner, we show successfully applied best practice models from industry and the latest research results: Hear from Ulrike Gehmacher, Head of Group ESG at Immofinanz, how one of the largest developers in CEE deals with ESG in practice and be inspired by the practical implementation of ESG monitoring in the Theater in der Josefstadt. Take a look into the future of the international workplace with Pat Turnbull.
The IFM Congress is once again THE real estate and FM industry meeting of the year.
The congress will be hybrid, one the one hand at TU Wien with simultaneous translation german-english an on the other hand live online per zoom link.
Click here for information on the program and the registration.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 15th IFM Congress!
Kind regards, Prof. Alexander Redlein and the REUG-Team