ESG: A hurdle – or an opportunity? Implementing guidelines efficiently and
preparing for the future at the 16th IFM Congress 2023
ESG is extensive, but what do I really need to pay attention to? How can I implement it appropriately for my company and which laws do I have to observe? What perspective does the circular economy bring? Get insights from the best practices of Erste Bank, DB (Deutsche Bahn) and ARA (Altstoff Recycling Austria) and prepare yourself for the flood of legislation from Brussels with Andrej Grieb.
Join us from November 23rd to 24th 2023 at the 16th IFM Congress at TU Wien and master the latest facility management challenges!
Also at the congress:
Workplace Experience: How should the workplace be designed to offer employees the best solution and bring them back to the office? Learn from thyssenkrupp’s best practice and Pat Turnbull’s international perspective.
The IFM Congress is once again the real estate and FM industry meeting of the year and will take place on site with simultaneous
translation German-English at TU Wien.