EuroFM Research Symposium 2023 – Istanbul

EuroFM calls for research papers to be presented in the 22nd EuroFM Research Symposium 2023 hosted in the EuroFM Conference on 08-11 November 2023 in Istanbul.

The theme of the conference is ‘Shaping the next generation of FM’. The EuroFM network encourages researchers to submit their full (10-12 pages) or short (5-6 pages) papers to EuroFM for a review and to join the research symposium.

Key dates:

9 Feb 2023Extended deadline for abstracts
03 May 2023Deadline for paper submissions
07 June 2023Reviews to the authors
06 Sep 2023Deadline for revised papers
27 Sept 2023Final decision on paper acceptance
11 Oct 2023Deadline for camera-ready papers
08-11 Nov 2023EuroFM Research Symposium in Istanbul

We look forward to your submissions! 

On behalf of the EuroFM research network,
Dr. Tuuli Jylhä
Dr. Vitalija Danivska

EuroFM Winter School 2023

This year, Ankara University Department of Real Estate Development and Management is hosting the EuroFM Winter School 2023. As the idea of hosting a school was already around, coherence with the EuroFM 2023 Conference, which will take place in Istanbul between November 9-11, 2023, was proposed by Ankara University Department of Real Estate Development and Management.

The theme of this Winter School is ‘Diving into shopping malls & their customers’. The programme takes place over ten days; prior to this, an introductory activity will occur.

Are you enthusiastic about joining the EuroFM Winter School 2023? Contact your education coordinator/internationalisation officer or a lecturer within your program. They can sign you up by directly submitting the names and contact details of students to the contact person.

Please observe that Ankara University would like to receive the students’ applications before 2 October 2023.

Please find more information here.

EuroFM Conference & Research Symposium 2023  – Istanbul

Theme: Shaping the next generation of FM

Focus: Digitalisation, circularity & campus management

Programme Day 1
9 November 2023:

08:00 – 09.00Registration & Welcome Coffee
09:00 – 09.30Welcome to the EuroFM Conference in Türkiye!
Welcoming EuroFM members for the 28th time. First time in Türkyie.
Speakers: Erhan Demirtaş, Natalie Hofman, Şekip Avdagiç, İbrahim Bozan
09:30 – 10.15Keynote: Global labour market and FM
Speaker: Prof.Dr. Cem Kılıç
10.15 – 11.00Turkish FM market – Understanding the specifics of Türkiye (main stage)
This session is meant to learn about the specifications of the Turkish FM market, share the latest trends and developments.
Speakers: Eşref Hamamcıoğlu, Cavit Habib, İlhan Altun. Moderator: Erhan Demirtaş
10.15 – 11.45EuroFM Research Symposium (parallel session)
Digitalisation and Technology in FM operations & decision-making
Chair: Keith Jones

1. Across the Boundaries of Epistemic Knowledge: Future Shaping Through Digitalisation Frameworks for FM
Toomaj Ghalandar, Geir Hansen, Carmel Lindkvist
2. A Technology-Based Facility Management (FM) Approach: Addressing the Challenges of Future FM
Nadine Wills, Niels Bartels
3. In the context of digital transformation: an analysis of future requirements for the FM labour market
Niels Bartels, Nadine Wills
4. Capturing As-Built Data to Support BIM-based FM: A Systematic Review
Ecem Tezel, Heyecan Giritli
11.00 – 11.15FM Education in Türkiye (main stage)
Speaker: Prof. Harun Tenrivermiş
11.15 – 12.00Educational initiatives within EuroFM network (main stage)
This session introduces the variety of educational activities across EuroFM network.
Speakers: Stephan van der Linden and Daniel von Felte
11:45 – 12.30EuroFM General Members Meeting
12.00 – 12.30EuroFM member insights – Survey results from Italy
Speaker: Chiara Tagliaro
12.30 – 13.30Feast your senses & Explore the Expo
Lunch & Networking
13.30 – 14.30Digitalisation as an enabler for FM service delivery
Explore how digitalisation empowers facility management services. Experts discuss tech-driven solutions optimizing operations, increasing user experience and enabling trust.
Speakers: Shukri Habib, Michael May, Cynthia Hou.
Moderator: Vitalija Danivska
13.30 – 15.00EuroFM Research Symposium. Undertanding work culture dynamics and strategic building control (parallel session)
Chair: Carmel Lindkvist

1. Multilocational work culture – the use of flexible spaces and the new paradigm of work in university support services
Maikki Sykäri, Suvi Nenonen, Niina Nurmi, Niclas Sandström
2. Comparing the influence of cultural values on workspace perceptions of German and Turkish knowledge workers Thomas Vogl, Marko Orel
3. Building Automation and Control Systems: A Facility Manager’s secret weapon?
Sophie van Roosmale, Lukas Vandenbogaerde, Stijn Verbeke, Amaryllis Audenaert, Jasmine Meysman

Book presentation:
Methodological Approaches for Workplace Research and Management
Chiara Tagliaro
14:30 – 15.00Cybersecurity and the built environment: FM’s Role
With technology becoming a crucial part of FM operations, the risk of cyber attacks grow. This presentation shares the latest results from cyber security research by IFMA.
Speaker: Jeffrey Saunders
15.00 – 15.30Recharge & Connect
Coffee break
15:30 – 16.15Latest developments in the market – Is PropTech a silver bullet?
Technology in FM is a broad term. What do we see happening in different countries? Important lessons to consider
Speakers: Chiara Tagliaro, Olli Vingren, Ilhami Akkum
Moderator: Natalie Hofman
16.15 – 16.30EuroFM member insights – Survey results from Hungary
Speaker: Gabor Decsi
16.15 – 17.00What’s next in FM tech world? 
The future of FM is close.
Speaker: Tom Ryckaert
17.00 – 18.00Free time
18.00 – 19.00Travelling to dinner location (from the conference venue)
19.00 – 22.00Charity Networking Dinner & EuroFM Awards

Programme Day 2
10 November 2023:

08.00 – 09.00Registration & Welcome Coffee
09:00 – 09.15Minute of Silence & Good morning
09:15 – 10.00Keynote: The impact of Facility Management on global society
In his keynote, Mark Mobach will underpin the contribution of Facility Management to the implementation of all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals – also cleaning up some common misconceptions on the topic – discuss how the discipline can contribute to pandemic recovery policies, and where next steps are the most fruitful.
Speaker: Mark Mobach
10:00 – 11.00Different approaches to sustainability in FM (main stage)
Different countries approach sustainability in various ways, influenced by their unique socio-economic, cultural, political, and environmental contexts. Experiences and insights shared by EuroFM Ambassadors
Speakers: Goran Milanov, Toshi Matsuoko, Maria Morapedi, David Martinez.
Moderator: Levent Alatli
10.00 – 11.00EuroFM Research Symposium. FM strategies for risk and climate mitigation (parallel session)
Chair: Riikka Kyrö

1. Carbon footprint of services – findings from German non-medical hospital processes
Andrea Pelzeter, Heike Prüße, Silke Bustamante, Franziska Ihle, Martina Martinovic
2. A Disaster Risk Management Decision Support System for Improved Organisational Resilience: The MEDiate Project Keith Jones, Femke Mulder, Mariantonietta Morga , Nadeeshani Wanigarathna
3. The Role of the Management Plan in Residential Buildings and its Effects on Facility Management: The Case of Türkiye
Harun Tanrivermiş, Esra Keskin
11:00 – 11.15Recharge & Connect
Coffee break
11.00 – 13.15EuroFM Research Symposium. FM for tomorrow: Preparing for the future (parallel session)
Chair: Esra Keskin

1. Drivers to achieve future-proofed hospital built assets
Federica Pascale, Keith Jones
2. The value building – a conceptual model of circular business models in the building context
Riikka Kyrö, Rebecka Lundgren
3. The case for a paradigm shift in providing and managing UK public sector assets based on integrating sustainability principles
Keith Jones, Ronan O’Hara
11:15 – 11.45Urban FM. What is it?
Introducing the concept of Urban FM – managing urban assets to meet the needs of a city’s residents, businesses, and visitors. How does research and practice see it?
Speaker: Carmel Lindqvist
11.15 – 12.15EuroFM Research Symposium. Learning Environments: Exploring Spaces and Places (parallel session)
Chair: Tore Brandstveit Haugen

1. A dear child has many names: understanding hybrid in higher education learning concepts and practices
Niclas Sandström, Totti Tuhkanen, Suvi Nenonen
2. Extending informal/private networks: Exploring the influence of communication technologies on student social connectedness (SSC) in the context of a hybrid university learning environment (HULE)
Theresa Wheele, Carmel Lindkvist, Tore Haugen, Clara Weber, Lukas Windlinger
3. Assessing Classroom Indoor Environment from a User-Centric Perspective: A Preliminary Study
Huiying (Cynthia) Hou
11:45 – 12.15Nudging in Workplace (main stage)
The presentation is based on the research that developed measures that FREM managers could implement to stimulate employees in making appropriate use of the working environment
Speaker: Sena Hulsbosch
12:15 – 13.15Towards digital future (main stage)
Workshop with practitioners, researchers and young professionals on barriers and enablers for digital transformations
13.15 – 14.00Feast your senses & Explore the Expo
Lunch & Networking
14.00 – 14.45Collaborative partnerships to achieve sustainability goals
In order to achieve meaningful results, cross-sectional collaboration is needed. Examine different strategies to success
Speakers: Riikka Kyro, Michel Tobé, Ms Bahar Güçlü
Moderator: Vitalija Danivska
14.45 – 15.15Recharge & Connect
Coffee break
15.15 – 15.45FM rethinking sustainability
Industry cases
Speakers: Jan Cieremans, Agustín Cobelo
15.45 – 16.00An insight – what does the Future hold? 
Speaker: David Martinez
16.00 – 17.00Keynote: Sex Drugs and Smart Technology
The future of work driven by big data and the human brain.
Speaker: Elizabeth Nelson
17.00 – 17.10Good bye & See you next year
17.15 – 18.30EuroFM Researcher Meetup

Programme Day 3
11 November 2023:

09.00 – 09.30Shuttle Transfer from Taksim to Sultanahmet (Hagia Sofia)
09.30 – 11.00Hagia Sofia FM tour
FM Presentation in Hagia Sofia (~30 min) & Hagia Sofia Tour (~60 min)
11.00 – 12.00Basilica Cistern FM tour
FM Presentation in Basilica Cistern (~30 min) & Basilica Cistern Tour (~30 min)
12.00 – 12.30Shuttle Transfer from Sultanahmet to Zincirlikuyu (Zorlu Center)
12.30 – 13.30Lunch @ Zorlu Center Food Court
13.30 – 15.00Zorlu Center FM tour
FM Presentation in Zorlu Center (~30 min) & Facility Tour (~60 min)
15.00End of programme

Register NOW


FM Expo Istanbul 2019

In 3-6 April, 2019, this fair will be organized by the Turkish Facility Management Assoction (TRFMA) in Yenikapı Eurasia Performing Arts Center in “Turkish Facility Management Conference”. In 2017 Turkey’s greatest local and international corporate companies came together and establish Turkish Facility Management Association (TRFMA), which provided a huge boost to sector at the end of 2017.

FM Expo Istanbul and Turkish Facility Management Conference will be organized by DEMOS Fair Organization and Turkish Facility Management Association (TRFMA).