Initiatives that the world can understand
Facility Management plays an important role in the quality of life of people and in the productivity of the organizations.
In the way we use resources like energy and water and the waste we produce, from furniture to food. On the working conditions of millions of workers and the economic health of the companies we outsource to.
Regardless of these truths, Facility Management is poorly understood by many people in the entire world.
Shifting our way to communicate is paramount.
Our goals will stay the same.
But the world will understand us better.
How together we can make this work
The Associations Network Group of EuroFM is composed of 29 national associations that have expanded well beyond European borders.
Only a strong vision and statement can bring together 29 different market realities of Facility Management; 29 different budget realities; 29 different sets of members and 29 different boards that work pro bono at the expense of their work responsibilities and family time.
We, at EuroFM, believe that the Sustainable Development Goals are the best way to translate FM’s impact in the people and in the world into a clear and benefit driven language.
Together, we can build an alliance, meaning each association will put a bit of effort in this project and each one will be able to reap the benefits of the whole.
The 6 pillars of this initiative
- 1. As an aggregator of content, the site will link to the members association's webpages or event sites, instead of concentrating the traffic benefit to itself;
- 2. To better reflect this concern and to foster more content, there will be a prize awarded to the best FM-SDG initiative each year;
- 3. Collaboration with Education and Research Network Groups will allow for more interchange of ideas and result in more projects and concrete applications;
- 4. Most (almost all) current content and events are related to some SDG's although they aren't being thought and communicated like that. This means that the project won't add much workload to each association;
- 5. This initiative will allow for all of us to have more adequate content for social media which will benefit immensely our image and Facility Management as a whole;
- 6. We believe this initiative will increase the scope of potential interested members, as well as sponsors, to each national association, as sustainable development is a broad and joining cause.